Come Out of Water Closet

Human & Culture Project dedicated to All-Gender Restrooms and You.


Carnival of Cultures in Berlin 2017

It rarely gets this crowded in the streets of Berlin-Kreuzberg. The Carnival of Cultures Berlin is an intercultural mega-event with about 5000 active participants and one million visitors. This street festival exists since 1996. It is celebrated every year around Pentecost and lasts four days. Kreuzberg rocks, especially during the parade.

The performances of the groups set a sign for open-mindedness and cultural diversity. International food and drinks as well as diverse music and dances underline this – and of course the cheerful visitors who stroll through the streets or party hard. CO-WC mixed with the people. There were fantastic encounters! Stop by. The festival is awesome!

Carnival of Cultures (Karneval der Kulturen)

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